Simon Cropper <> writes:

> Since we have graduated to a completely different topic I have renamed
> the thread.

Thank you.

> If people are interested in a totally python-based open source FREE
> (as in no $$) package that can do all the above try gramps...

In addition to being open source and zero-cost, more importantly it is
free software.

> I have used this package for a few years now and it is fantastic.

I'm glad to hear this; I have seen Gramps mentioned for many years and
it's great to see a mature (> 10 years) Python project that's still
going strong and meeting a specialised need with free software.

 \     “I object to doing things that computers can do.” —Olin Shivers |
  `\                                                                   |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

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