On 14 August 2012 12:04, Simon Cropper

> Hi Everyone,
> I just had a great idea for a new python module. I haven't bothered
> googling it or doing any research.
> I need help putting together some code; today preferably, my boss is on my
> back. Can someone please contribute a functioning module showing me how to
> do it?
> Once I have all your submissions, I will compile a functioning  package,
> which I hope to sell. Don't worry, no one will be at risk of being sued, I
> don't intend to credit you with the code and you will not know anything
> about what I have done because I don't intend to post and feedback to the
> list. Licenses are not a problem either, I don't believe in them and even
> if you find out I have plagiarized your stuff you have bub-kiss chance of
> suing me as I am in another jurisdiction.
> So, now you know where I am coming from, I would like to thank you for all
> your help. Remember though, I need help now, so please stop what you are
> doing and submit something quickly. I'm waiting...
> Still waiting...
> Hey, stop reading and get on with writing some code, I don't have all day!

Let the boss wait. Learn some mailing list etiquette first. It will help
you for sure.

> --
> Simon
> Disclaimer  :) Please don't flame me, I have written this with my tongue
> in my cheek and a light hearted take on some people request for assistance
> on a range of mail lists. It was not meant to target anyone in particular
> only to exaggerate how some people's requests appear to lurkers and
> contributors on many fora I frequent.
> --
> http://mail.python.org/**mailman/listinfo/python-list<http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list>

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