On 14/08/2012 10:32, Simon Cropper wrote:
On 14/08/12 18:19, Peter Otten wrote:
Simon Cropper wrote:

Hi Everyone,

I just had a great idea for a new python module. I haven't bothered
googling it or doing any research.

I need help putting together some code; today preferably, my boss is on
my back. Can someone please contribute a functioning module showing me
how to do it?

Once I have all your submissions, I will compile a functioning  package,
which I hope to sell. Don't worry, no one will be at risk of being sued,
I don't intend to credit you with the code and you will not know
anything about what I have done because I don't intend to post and
feedback to the list. Licenses are not a problem either, I don't believe
in them and even if you find out I have plagiarized your stuff you have
bub-kiss chance of suing me as I am in another jurisdiction.

So, now you know where I am coming from, I would like to thank you for
all your help. Remember though, I need help now, so please stop what you
are doing and submit something quickly. I'm waiting...

Still waiting...

Hey, stop reading and get on with writing some code, I don't have all

You're close, but I prefer to help out the guy with the brilliant idea (I
know it's brilliant because he says so) who is offering me a fraction
of the
fortune he is going to make once I've done all the work...


You are right. Quite remiss of me.

Anyone willing to contribute money to help with the compilation of the
code will get a portion of the profits. Just send me your account
details, name and address; and I will ensure, once I have been paid,
that I will send you your cut! :)

Password as well just to be sure? Details of your security setup? How do I write a Python code snippet to calculate any number in any currency times zero?


Mark Lawrence.


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