On 25/08/2012 13:50, Alex wrote:
Terry Reedy wrote:

On 8/24/2012 6:33 PM, Alex wrote:
Despite being configured to use a 4 space
sometimes IDLE's "smart" indentation insists upon using
width-8 tabs.

[The 4-space indentation setting] applies to the editor and works in
the editor for me and others.

[The width-8 tabs are inserted] Only for the simulated interpreter.
There is a tracker issue about changing that but no consensus.

Yes, it works in the editor. I was referring to the simulated
interpreter. I guess I didn't make that clear.

In my search for a solution, I did see some of the traffic regarding
the tracker issue, but the posts were all several years old and I was
hoping maybe there was a fix by now. I guess not. Maybe in Python 4, eh?



For the record issue 7676, yes?


Mark Lawrence.


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