Steven D'Aprano於 2012年9月15日星期六UTC+8上午7時39分28秒寫道:
> On Fri, 14 Sep 2012 15:16:47 -0600, Ian Kelly wrote:
> > If only there were a conceptually simpler way to do this.  Actually,
> > there is.  I give you: metadecorators!
> [code snipped but shown below]
> > Which I think is certainly easier to understand than the nested
> > functions approach.
> Maybe for you, but to me it is a big ball of mud. I have no idea how this 
> is supposed to work! At a quick glance, I would have sworn that it 
> *can't* work, since simple_decorator needs to see multiple arguments but 
> only receives one, the function to be decorated. And yet it does work:
> py> from functools import partial
> py> def make_wrapper(wrapper):
> ...     return lambda wrapped: partial(wrapper, wrapped)
> ...
> py> @make_wrapper
> ... def simple_decorator(func, *args, **kwargs):
> ...     print "Entering decorated function"
> ...     result = func(*args, **kwargs)
> ...     print "Exiting decorated function"
> ...     return result
> ...
> py> @simple_decorator
> ... def my_function(a, b, c):
> ...     """Doc string"""
> ...     return a+b+c
> ...
> py> my_function(1, 2, 3)
> Entering decorated function
> Exiting decorated function
> 6
> So to me, this is far more magical than nested functions. If I saw this 
> in t requires me to hunt through your library for the "simple function 
> buried in a utility module somewhere" (your words), instead of seeing 
> everything needed in a single decorator factory function. It requires 
> that I understand how partial works, which in my opinion is quite tricky. 
> (I never remember how it works or which arguments get curried.)
> And the end result is that the decorated function is less debugging-
> friendly than I demand: it is an anonymous partial object instead of a 
> named function, and the doc string is lost. And it is far from clear to 
> me how to modify your recipe to use functools.wraps in order to keep the 
> name and docstring, or even whether I *can* use functools.wraps.
> I dare say I could answer all those questions with some experimentation 
> and research. But I don't think that your "metadecorator" using partial 
> is *inherently* more understandable than the standard decorator approach:
> def simple_decorator2(func):
>     @functools.wraps(func)
>     def inner(*args, **kwargs):
>         print "Entering decorated function"
>         result = func(*args, **kwargs)
>         print "Exiting decorated function"
>         return result
>     return inner
> This is no more complex than yours, and it keeps the function name and 
> docstring.
> > Parameterized decorators are not much more
> > difficult this way.  This function:
> [snip code]
> > And now we have a fancy parameterized decorator that again requires no
> > thinking about nested functions at all.
> Again, at the cost of throwing away the function name and docstring.
> I realise that a lot of this boils down to personal preference, but I 
> just don't think that nested functions are necessarily that hard to 
> grasp, so I prefer to see as much of the decorator logic to be in one 
> place (a nested decorator function) rather than scattered across two 
> separate decorators plus partial.
> -- 
> Steven

I think the problem is not in the replaced f.__doc__.

def MIGHT_FAIL(f, MSG, *k, **h):
# use MSG to determine whether  to invoke f or not 
# and do an error catch  here
     def innner(f): .....
     # get the right info of  f here for any trapped error   
     #return inner, result
     return inner

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