2012/9/19 Trent Nelson <tr...@snakebite.org>:
>     FWIW, I gave a presentation on decorators to the New York Python
>     User Group back in 2008.  Relevant blog post:
>         http://blogs.onresolve.com/?p=48
>     There's a link to the PowerPoint presentation I used in the first
>     paragraph.  It's in .pptx format; let me know if you'd like it in
>     some other form.
>     Regards,
>         Trent.

Ok thanks a lot, how long did it take for you to present that material?

Interesting the part about the learning process, I had a similar
experience, but probably skip this since I only have 30 minutes.

Another thing which I would skip or only explain how it works are
parametrized decorators, in the triple-def form they just look to ugly
to be worth the effort (but at least should be understood).

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