On 2012-09-16, Ben Finney <ben+pyt...@benfinney.id.au> wrote:
> ???????????????? ???????????? <nikos.gr...@gmail.com> writes:
>> Iam sorry i didnt do that on purpose and i dont know how this is done.
>> Iam positng via google groups using chrome, thats all i know.
> It is becoming quite clear that some change has happened recently to
> Google Groups that makes posts coming from there rather more obnoxious
> than before.

Well, that's certainly something of an accomplishment.  I've become
somewhat suspicious that Google Groups is Google's deliberate attempt
to kill off Usenet and non-Google-controlled mailing lists.  Nothing
can be that bad by accident.  Except perhaps certain Microsoft
products.... make that most Microsoft products.

> And there doesn't seem to be much its users can do except
> use something else.
> Using Google Groups for posting to Usenet has been a bad idea for a long
> time, but now it just seems to be a sure recipe for annoying the rest of
> us. Again, not something you have much control over, except to stop
> using Google Groups.

I told my news client years ago to filter out anything posted from
Google Groups -- and I know I'm not alone.  If one wants the best
chance of getting a question answered, using something other than
Google Groups is indeed a good idea.

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! The PILLSBURY DOUGHBOY
                                  at               is CRYING for an END to
                              gmail.com            BURT REYNOLDS movies!!

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