On 22/09/2012 02:26, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
On Fri, 21 Sep 2012 13:20:09 -0700, gengyangcai wrote:

I am currently using Python 3.2.3 . WHen I use the print function by
typing print "Game Over" , it mentions  " SyntaxError : invalid syntax
".  Any ideas on what the problem is and how to resolve it  ?

No, none what so ever. Perhaps you are the first person in the world to
have come across this error. If you ever solve it, please write up the
solution and put it on a blog or a website somewhere so that if it ever
happens again, googling for "python print SyntaxError" will return a
useful result.

Tongue-firmly-in-cheek-ly y'rs,

+ one trillion


Mark Lawrence.


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