On Sat, 22 Sep 2012 01:26:43 +0000, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

> On Fri, 21 Sep 2012 13:20:09 -0700, gengyangcai wrote:
>> I am currently using Python 3.2.3 . WHen I use the print function by
>> typing print "Game Over" , it mentions  " SyntaxError : invalid syntax
>> ".  Any ideas on what the problem is and how to resolve it  ?
> No, none what so ever. Perhaps you are the first person in the world to
> have come across this error. If you ever solve it, please write up the
> solution and put it on a blog or a website somewhere so that if it ever
> happens again, googling for "python print SyntaxError" will return a
> useful result.
> Tongue-firmly-in-cheek-ly y'rs,

I think OP rather gave the game away with the subject line.

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