Andriy Kornatskyy wrote:
> Try to see 'Hello World' benchmark as an answer to the question how effective
> is the framework inside...
> If computer X boots faster than Y, it means it is more effective in this
> particular area.
> If a sportsman runs a distance 1 second faster than other, he got a medal (it
> is not quite adequate to say if I load sportsman with 50 kilo bag he will not
> run that fast... just try split the concerns).
> Thanks.
> Andriy

Not really, it depends on what each computer is doing during

To switch to the sportsman analogy, if sportsman A has to run 
1 mile and along the way pick up 1 lb/kg every .1 mile while
sportsman B has to pick up all the weight at the start.

It is conceivable that sportsman A runs completes the run in 
10 minutes while sportsman B runs the time in 9 minutes.
Sportsman A might run the first .1 miles faster (sportsman A 
"boots" faster, but that is most likely less important than 
the overall long-term/real-world time to complete the task.

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