Let me say right off the bat that I've taken a brief look through the
code and documentation and found that I wouldn't mind trying it out
for personal projects. So, the intention here is not to slag the

> Performance and effectivity are related metrics. Longer feature list can not 
> explain why it less effective. An answer to effectivity question might be 
> related to:
> - code quality (we have PEP8)

Any static code analysis such as pylint or pyflakes?

> - architectural decisions taken

What (sample of) decisions? How do they differ from other frameworks?
How will they make my life better?

> - core team experience

Not sure this is entirely relevant (imho). Engineers with great
experience on paper may still make poor decisions and output shoddy
work. Conversely, a new grad (or weekend hacker) may have a solid
understanding and output amazing work.

> - historical path, etc.

What does this mean?

> There is a problem with 3rd party code... it should evolve with framework... 
> so good one become a part of it. 3rd party UI things are good, until you 
> start `customize` them, patch, workaround, etc. This is where pain come from. 
> However, there are exceptions. Can you name few?

[Disclaimer: personal opinion] I couldn't disagree more. A good
framework provides the glue for various subsystems to work amazingly
well together. Perhaps this is why I'm drawn to micro-frameworks and
the likes of Pyramid. No assumptions are made about *how* I'm going to
use the framework. Modularity is good. Do one thing and do it *very*
well. Caching? Use beaker. ORM? Use SQLAlchemy.

> Let me state this: "wheezy.web let you design web application to be able run 
> it at the speed of `hello world`, even database driven one".

This bothers me. It's misleading to newbies and it's just wrong. You
simply *cannot* have a database driven application run at the exact
same performance as a "hello world" app.

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