On 22 Jun 2005 02:47:06 -0700, Aditi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> i have to make a system used by the IT department of a company which
> contains 31 applications and their details which are being used in a
> company ...the details are...
> Application     sub application         catagory        platform        
> language        version         IT
> owner   functional owner        remarks         source code     documentation 
>   last updated
> dates
> i want to design a system such that it lets the it employee enter the
> name of the application and gives him all the details about it...please
> suggest an appropriate design


Create a directory "appmon". In this directory create a text file for
each application. Put application details in file and name it after
application name. Users will be able to view details of a particular
application by using "cat appname" on unix or "type appname" on
windows, thus it is a portable solution. I believe this design fits
your requirements :)

- kv

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