On Oct 18, 10:18 am, Zero Piraeus <sche...@gmail.com> wrote:
> :
> On 18 October 2012 00:36, rusi <rustompm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Unfortunately, I feel this whole discussion/thread has got derailed:
> > Zero you started this thread about aggressive behavior. It does not
> > seem to me that this was the case you were talking of, was it?
> Sorry, but I'm having trouble parsing that sentence. Could you rephrase it?

I understood that your original post started after Etienne's outburst
against Steven.
David's outbursts are relatively harmless.
I tried to talk gently to him 
And then gave up 

Not that I mind: People much wiser than we have expressed that war is
the most horrible thing in the universe and David is by his own
admission a war-damaged individual.

If Steven chooses to engage him thats his call
If Alex chooses to fight with him thats his
I am betting that in the end, rurpy's suggestion -- Ignoring is the
best policy -- or Ben's -- Respond carefully, minimally and with
caution -- is what everyone will have to come to.
This does not mean I dont wish him well, just that I realize that the
sphere of my action and influence are intrinsically limited.

And all this misses the point that you started this thread (I think)
with Etienne-Steven in mind not David-RestOfTheWorld.

(Assuming this conjecture) I would like to say:
Etienne is not a 'dick' or a 'troll' just a human being with the same
buggy wetware that we all have whose logic goes: If you call me an
asshole (when justified) I'll call you can asshole (even if not).
Likewise Alex calling David racist may be justified but is not

IOW the robustness principle http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robustness_principle
is as good for human networking as for computers.

[BTW This was enunciated 2000 years ago by a clever chap: Love your
enemies; drive them crazy]

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