On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 2:19 AM, rusi <rustompm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Oct 18, 10:18 am, Zero Piraeus <sche...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> :
>> On 18 October 2012 00:36, rusi <rustompm...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > Unfortunately, I feel this whole discussion/thread has got derailed:
>> > Zero you started this thread about aggressive behavior. It does not
>> > seem to me that this was the case you were talking of, was it?
>> Sorry, but I'm having trouble parsing that sentence. Could you rephrase it?
> I understood that your original post started after Etienne's outburst
> against Steven.
> David's outbursts are relatively harmless.
> I tried to talk gently to him 
> http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-list/2012-September/631949.html
> And then gave up 
> http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-list/2012-September/631950.html
> Not that I mind: People much wiser than we have expressed that war is
> the most horrible thing in the universe and David is by his own
> admission a war-damaged individual.
> If Steven chooses to engage him thats his call
> If Alex chooses to fight with him thats his
> I am betting that in the end, rurpy's suggestion -- Ignoring is the
> best policy -- or Ben's -- Respond carefully, minimally and with
> caution -- is what everyone will have to come to.
> This does not mean I dont wish him well, just that I realize that the
> sphere of my action and influence are intrinsically limited.
> And all this misses the point that you started this thread (I think)
> with Etienne-Steven in mind not David-RestOfTheWorld.
> (Assuming this conjecture) I would like to say:
> Etienne is not a 'dick' or a 'troll' just a human being with the same
> buggy wetware that we all have whose logic goes: If you call me an
> asshole (when justified) I'll call you can asshole (even if not).
> Likewise Alex calling David racist may be justified but is not
> helpful.
> IOW the robustness principle http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robustness_principle
> is as good for human networking as for computers.
> [BTW This was enunciated 2000 years ago by a clever chap: Love your
> enemies; drive them crazy
That only works if they're not already insane.
Otherwise you're just prodding a cornered beast.
Best Regards,
David Hutto
CEO: http://www.hitwebdevelopment.com

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