On Tue, Oct 23, 2012 at 10:31 AM, Virgil Stokes <v...@it.uu.se> wrote:
> I am working with some rather large data files (>100GB) that contain time
> series data. The data (t_k,y(t_k)), k = 0,1,...,N are stored in ASCII
> format. I perform various types of processing on these data (e.g. moving
> median, moving average, and Kalman-filter, Kalman-smoother) in a sequential
> manner and only a small number of these data need be stored in RAM when
> being processed. When performing Kalman-filtering (forward in time pass, k =
> 0,1,...,N) I need to save to an external file several variables (e.g. 11*32
> bytes) for each (t_k, y(t_k)). These are inputs to the Kalman-smoother
> (backward in time pass, k = N,N-1,...,0). Thus, I will need to input these
> variables saved to an external file from the forward pass, in reverse order
> --- from last written to first written.
> Finally, to my question --- What is a fast way to write these variables to
> an external file and then read them in backwards?

Don't forget to use timeit for an average OS utilization.

I'd suggest two list comprehensions for now, until I've reviewed it some more:

forward =  ["%i = %s" % (i,chr(i)) for i in range(33,126)]
backward = ["%i = %s" % (i,chr(i)) for i in range(126,32,-1)]

for var in forward:
        print var

for var in backward:
        print var

You could also use a dict, and iterate through a straight loop that
assigned a front and back to a dict_one =  {0 : [0.100], 1 : [1.99]}
and the iterate through the loop, and call the first or second in the
dict's var list for frontwards , or backwards calls.

But there might be faster implementations, depending on other
function's usage of certain lower level functions.

Best Regards,
David Hutto
CEO: http://www.hitwebdevelopment.com

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