Andrew Robinson wrote:
  On 10/31/2012 02:20 PM, Ian Kelly wrote:
On Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 7:42 AM, Andrew Robinson  wrote:
Then; I'd note:  The non-goofy purpose of slice is to hold three
data values;  They are either numbers or None.  These *normally*
encountered values can't create a memory loop.
So, FOR AS LONG, as the object representing slice does not contain
an explicit GC pair; I move that we mandate (yes, in the current
python implementation, even as a *fix*) that its named members may
not be assigned any objects other than None or numbers....

eg: Lists would be forbidden....

Since functions, and subclasses, can be test evaluated by int(
the_thing_to_try ) and *[] can too,
generality need not be lost for generating nothing or numbers.

PEP 357 requires that anything implementing the __index__ special method be allowed for slicing sequences (and also that __index__ be used for the conversion). For the most part, that includes ints and numpy integer types, but other code could be doing esoteric things with it.

I missed something... (but then that's why we're still talking about it...)

Reading the PEP, it notes that *only* integers (or longs) are permitted in slice syntax.

Keep in mind that PEPs represent Python /at that time/ -- as Python
moves forward, PEPs are not updated (this has gotten me a couple times).

The change would be backward-incompatible in any case, since there is certainly code out there that uses non-numeric slices -- one example has already been given in this thread.


Now, I'm thinking -- The purpose of index(), specifically, is to notify when something which is not an integer may be used as an index; You've helpfully noted that index() also *converts* those objects into numbers.

Ethan Fullman mentioned that he used the names of fields, "instead of having to remember the _offsets_"; Which means that his values _do convert_ to offset numbers

Furman, actually.  :)

And my values do *not* convert to indices (at least, not automatically).
My __getitem__ code looks like:

    elif isinstance(item, slice):
        sequence = []
        if isinstance(item.start, (str, unicode)) \
        or isinstance(item.stop, (str, unicode)):
            field_names = dbf.field_names(self)
            start, stop, step = item.start, item.stop, item.step
            if start not in field_names or stop not in field_names:
                raise MissingFieldError(
                    "Either %r or %r (or both) are not valid field names"
                    % (start, stop))
            if step is not None and not isinstance(step, (int, long)):
                raise DbfError(
                    "step value must be an int or long, not %r"
                    % type(step))
            start = field_names.index(start)
            stop = field_names.index(stop) + 1
            item = slice(start, stop, step)
        for index in self._meta.fields[item]:
        return sequence

In other words, the slice contains the strings, and my code calculates
the offsets -- Python doesn't do it for me.

His example was actually given in slice syntax notation [::].
Hence, his objects must have an index() method, correct?.



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