On 02/11/2012 18:39, ru...@yahoo.com wrote:
On 11/02/2012 03:36 AM, Jamie Paul Griffin wrote:
/ ru...@yahoo.com wrote on Thu  1.Nov'12 at 15:08:26 -0700 /

On 11/01/2012 03:55 AM, Jamie Paul Griffin wrote:
Anybody serious about programming should be using a form of
UNIX/Linux if you ask me. It's inconceivable that these systems
should be avoided if you're serious about Software Engineering
and Computer Science, etc. For UNIX there are loads of decent
news reading software and mail user agents to learn and use. slrn
is a good one and point it at gmane.org as someone else pointed
out. I can't even imagine using a browser or Google Groups, etc.

Are you saying that this group is only for "serious" programmers?

I don't see where my comments suggested that this group is only for
serious programmers. I simply believe that the UNIX platform, in
whatever form, is better placed and designed for all sorts of
computing and engineering projects. The history of UNIX speaks for
itself. Many Universities that offer respected and credible science
based degree programmes, namely engineering and computing programmes,
strongly encourage students to become competent with UNIX systems.
Windows in my opinion is really for those who use the internet on a
casual basis or in a commercial environment where its staff are not
necessarily computer literate and therefore need a platform that they
can use which doesn't require them to learn more complex techniques
and protocols. But, having said that, I'm not against Windo ws at
all. I use it frequently and enjoy using it most of the time.

Wow, that makes me feel like I am back in the 1990s!
Thanks for the trip down memory lane.  :-)

"serious" is also a matter of opinion.  I have some serious
programmer friends who maintain, in complete sincerity, that
serious programmers should not waste time on slow, script-kiddie
languages like Python, but should be developing their skills with
serious professional languages like Java, C#, etc.

That is a narrow minded approach. different languages serve different
purposes and it's down to the developer to use which language she
needs to achieve what it is they've set out to do. Sometimes, basic
shell scripts can be extremely powerful for certain tasks; other
needs will require something different. I certainly wouldn't describe
Python as a "script-kiddie" language. It's extremely powerful and
modern. So there ;-P lol

Right.  I happen to agree with you and was just repeating
an elitist attitude I've often heard where what *I* use
is for *serious* business and what *they* use is just
for playing around, for those without as much technical
competence as me, etc.

Without a quantitative definition of "serious" and some
objective evidence supporting it, your opinion that unix
is more "serious" than windows is as narrow-minded as my
friends' opinion (which was the point I was trying to
make and which you seem to have missed.)

I don't particularly like Windows and am able to mostly
avoid it these days, but think you should realize that
describing it as not for *serious* use is going irritate
some people and make you look like you are not able to
make objective judgements.

(I also hope I haven't just been suckered by a troll
attempt, windows/unix is better then unix/windows being
an age-old means of trolling.)

Does Unix now have clustering, or is it still behind VMS aka Very Much Safer?


Mark Lawrence.


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