Am Samstag, 22. Dezember 2012 18:26:43 UTC+1 schrieb Alexander Blinne:
> Am 22.12.2012 13:45, schrieb:
> > Ps.: The Socket, the DB has to be kept allways open, because of it's Server 
> > functionality, A lot of Sensors, Timers, User interaction, must recived , 
> > Calculated, etc so a reaction must be send in about 16~100 ms, different 
> > modules opens and closes Sockets or files, could result in a dead situation.
> > 
> > 
> > Or do i didn't see any Tree's in the Wood?
> I would strongly recommend an object oriented view:
> Suppose contains a Class Datastore. You can instantiate
> that class once in the beginning of your main file and the resulting
> object has methods to store and retrieve data in/from the store.
> contains a Class Modbus. This also can be instantiated
> just once which opens a TCP connection to be used many times and you can
> hand over a reference to the Instance of Datastore you created earlier,
> so it can speak with the Datastore. The object has methods to do the
> things you want it to do.
> The Same for DaliBusClient.
> Now your could look something linke
> from Datastore import Datastore
> from ModbusClient import Modbus
> from DaliBusClient import DaliBus
> def main():
>     datastore = Datastore(...)
>     modbus = Modbus(..., datastore)
>     dalibus = DaliBus(..., datastore)
>     modbus.read_data_and_save_to_store()
>     dalibus.read_data_and_save_to_store()
> if __name__=="__main__":
>     main()

My Project is allready > 1000 lines and even more,..
I have started writing it, each module after another ...

I've got allready a lot of experience in other programming languages ( also I 
have worked as a programmer) 

But the question is, could communicate a DaliModul, Modbus,.. Etc with the 
backend db. 

It's for me a view of top side down, but how could the midlevel comunicate to 
each oter... "not hirachical"

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