On 01/04/13 01:34, Anssi Saari wrote:
| Just curious since I read the same thing in a programming book recently
| (21st century C). So what's the greatness that terminal multiplexors
| offer over tabbed terminals? Especially for software development?

Do you include tiling terminal emulators? I user iTerm2 a lot on Macs,
and it does both tabs (one terminal visible at a time, switch sideways
to change terminals) and tiling/panes: multiple terminals visible in
split panes within the current window.

So I have distinct windows, generally full screen, one per desktop, with
desktops for work zones. One a given desktop, just the one window with a
few panes panes and sometimes more tabs-with-panes.

So superficially, little need for screen or tmux.

However I use screen (tmux some time when I have time to learn to use
it) for the following:

  - named sessions:

    I've a small shell script called "scr" to do some common things with
    "screen". With no arguments:

      [/Users/cameron]fleet*> scr
          1    3455.ADZAPPER
          2   59094.CONSOLE_FW1
          3   28691.MACPORTS
          4    3649.PORTFWD

    So 4 named screen sessions. To join one "scr ADZAPPER", for example.

  - detached or at any rate detachable mail editing

    I've got my mutt editor set to a script that forked the new message
    editing in screen session named after the subject line. Normally I
    just compose and send, and that is seamless. But if I have to put
    things off for a complex or delayed message, I can just detahc from
    the session and be back in mutt to get on with other things.

    I imagine I could apply this more widely in some contexts.

Plenty of people use the split screen modes in screen or tmux; personally
I find this a little fiddly because focus-follows-mouse doesn't work
there (though I discovered the other day that vim's split modes can do
focus follow mouse:-)

But in a restricted environment (eg some hostile one with a crude
terminal emulator without these nice tabs/panes) the splitting can be

On 04Jan2013 10:59, Tim Chase <python.l...@tim.thechases.com> wrote:
| - the ability to monitor windows for activity/silence (at least GNU 
| Screen offered this; I haven't dug for it yet in tmux which I'm 
| learning).  This is nice for backgrounding a compile and being 
| notified when it goes silent (usually means it's done) or watching a 
| long-running quiet process to get notification when it finally has 
| some output.  I used this feature a LOT back when I did C/C++ work.

I used to do this:

  make foo; alert "MADE FOO (exit=$?)"

where "alert" is a personal script to do the obvious. On a Mac it pops
up a notification. Of course I need to do that at the start, alas.

I used to use iTerm's tab header colouring to notice idleness, and it
was very useful in certain circumstances, generally wordy and slow
startups of multiple things. Don't seem to do it much at present.

Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au>

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