On 01/05/13 02:35, Sia wrote:
I have strings such as:


The plus and minus signs are always followed by a number (say, i). I want 
python to find each single plus or minus, remove the sign, the number after it 
and remove i characters after that. So the two strings above become:


With the same caveat as Frank posted about the second one being "...." (4 dots), I don't know how this version times out:

  import re
  r = re.compile(r"[-+](\d+)([^-+]*)")
  def modify(m):
      result = m.group(2)[int(m.group(1)):]
      return result
  for test, expected in (
          ("tA.-2AG.-2AG,-2ag", "tA..,"),
          (".+3ACG.+5CAACG.+3ACG.+3ACG", "...."),
      s = r.sub(modify, test)
      print "%r -> %r (%r)" % (
          test, s, expected
      assert s == expected, "Nope"

(it passes the tests as modified to "....")



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