On 01/26/2013 12:41 PM, Ferrous Cranus wrote:
> I can use triple (''') quoting so i dont have to escape special characters.

Hmm.  I think you missed what he was getting at. He's not talking about
Python escape sequences. He's talking about HTML ones.  There is a
function in one of the standard library modules that does this.  I think
it's called html_sanitize or something.  Google will find this.

> But i didnt understand you suggestion about the tuple.

What don't you understand about it?  It's basic python string formatting
(well python 2.x string formatting).


A tuple is one method for passing variables into the string formatter.
So if you need to display something twice, just put in two "%s" in the
format string, and pass it the same variable twice.

> The dataset returns many lines and i need to transfor only the URL column....
> Sorry i did not understood.


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