On 7 fév, 04:04, Steven D'Aprano <steve
+comp.lang.pyt...@pearwood.info> wrote:
> On Wed, 06 Feb 2013 13:55:58 -0800, Demian Brecht wrote:
> > Well, an alternative /could/ be:
> ...
> py> s = 'http://alongnameofasite1234567.com/q?sports=run&a=1&b=1'
> py> assert u2f(s) == mangle(s)
> py>
> py> from timeit import Timer
> py> setup = 'from __main__ import s, u2f, mangle'
> py> t1 = Timer('mangle(s)', setup)
> py> t2 = Timer('u2f(s)', setup)
> py>
> py> min(t1.repeat(repeat=7))
> 7.2962000370025635
> py> min(t2.repeat(repeat=7))
> 10.981598854064941
> py>
> py> (10.98-7.29)/10.98
> 0.33606557377049184
> (Timings done using Python 2.6 on my laptop -- your speeds may vary.)


[OT] Sorry, but I find all these "timeit" I see here and there
more and more ridiculous.

Maybe it's the language itself, which became ridiculous.


r = repeat("('WHERE IN THE WORLD IS CARMEN?'*10).lower()")
print('1:', r)

r = repeat("('WHERE IN THE WORLD IS HÉLÈNE?'*10).lower()")
print('2:', r)

t = Timer("re.sub('CARMEN', 'CARMEN', 'WHERE IN THE WORLD IS
CARMEN?'*10)", "import re")
r = t.repeat()
print('3:', r)

t = Timer("re.sub('HÉLÈNE', 'HÉLÈNE', 'WHERE IN THE WORLD IS
HÉLÈNE?'*10)", "import re")
r = t.repeat()
print('4:', r)


>c:\python32\pythonw -u "vitesse3.py"
1: [2.578785478740226, 2.5738459157233833, 2.5739002658825543]
2: [2.57605654937141, 2.5784755252962572, 2.5775366066044896]
3: [11.856728254324088, 11.856321809655501, 11.857456073846905]
4: [12.111787643688231, 12.102743462128771, 12.098514783440208]
>Exit code: 0
>c:\Python33\pythonw -u "vitesse3.py"
1: [0.6063335264470632, 0.6104798922133946, 0.6078580877959869]
2: [4.080205081267272, 4.079303183698418, 4.0786836706522145]
3: [18.093742209318215, 18.079666699618095, 18.07107661757692]
4: [18.852576768615222, 18.841418050790622, 18.840745369110437]
>Exit code: 0

The future is bright for ... ascii users.



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