On 2013-02-11 11:00, inshu chauhan wrote:
In the programme below I am trying to read two csv format files and
process them and write a new file with some of theirs data.

import csv
f1_reader = csv.reader(open(r"Z:\Weka
f2_reader = csv.reader(open(r"Z:\Weka
nf = open(r"Z:\Weka work\classified_image00_withoutxy.arff", "w")

while True:
     l1 = f1_reader.next()
     while len(l1) != 12:
         l1 = f1_reader.next()
     l2 = f2_reader.next()
     while len(l2) != 11:
         l2 = f2_reader.next()

     ix = l1[0].strip()
     iy = l1[1].strip()
     classification = l2[8].strip()

     print >> nf, ix, iy, classification


This programme is giving me this error now :

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "Z:\Weka work\final_image_classificationwithoutxy.py", line 16,
in <module>
     l2 = f2_reader.next()

what could be a possible reason to StopIteration ???

I checked the syntax and usage of this module looks alright to me , but
then why this error ?

It has reached the end of the file, there's no next line.


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