> I've been working at learning python off and on now for a while, with > a couple programs in mind as a goal - kind of specialized stuff that > I can't seem to find a good match for already available, competitor > records, score-keeping & results for an amateur sports tournament.
So you want to develop a database application. That's a standard case. > Probably 98-99% of the time the match administration would be done by > a single individual on a single PC, which seems like it would be > nearly ideal for a desktop application implemented in PyQt4 or > similar. The problem is (as usual) those edge cases where there are > enough volunteers/resources to have more than one person doing data > entry (maybe 2-3 in practice, but lets say 10-12 for arguments sake > to pad things a bit). PostgreSQL and the frameworks mentioned below don't care for the number of clients. You could buy a zSeries (or whatever they are called now) from IBM and serve thousands of clients simultaneously if you needed to. > What I was wondering is what would be a good way of handling this > with a PyQt app? Build the desktop app first, and add some sort of > functionality to enable a lightweight web server and framework for > the additional data entry 'clients'? No, you just implement a GUI in whatever GUI framework you want (PyQt, PyGTK, wxPython) and use a client-server RDBMS for storage. No web-nonsense gadgetry required with bloated cursor-animation "browsers" etc.. For the storage I recommend PostgreSQL, for the client GUI, there are several frameworks available: using PyQt (& Sqlalchemy): Pypapi: www.pypapi.org Camelot: www.python-camelot.com Qtalchemy: www.qtalchemy.org using PyGTK: Sqlkit: sqlkit.argolinux.org (also uses Sqlalchemy) Kiwi: www.async.com.br/projects/kiwi Glom: www.glom.org using wxPython: Dabo: www.dabodev.com Defis: sourceforge.net/projects/defis (Russian only) GNUe: www.gnuenterprise.org Pypapi, Camelot, Sqlkit and Dabo seem to be the most active and best documented/supported ones. Sincerely, Wolfgang -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list