On Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 10:38 AM,  <piterrr.dolin...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> intX = 32                          # decl + init int var
>> How is it not obvious that "intX" is an integer *without* the comment?
> Indeed the assignment is enough to deduce "intX" is an int. The comment is 
> there to let me know it is unlikely intX appears earlier in the code. Please, 
> let me do things my way until I find reasons to the contrary.
> Regarding my use of None to mean NULL, point taken to use "" instead.

It's worth noting that None does make a good rendition of
"null-as-opposed-to-blank", for instance when you're fetching data
from an VARCHAR field in an SQL database. You'd use a string for
anything that isn't NULL, and None for the others.


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