On 6/27/05, Sakesun Roykiattisak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 1. Automatic refactoring never solve the readability issue.

Eclipse's refactorings are a great boon, I find. Refectoring is never
*fully* automatic, of course, but the ability to, for example, select
a chunk of code and have it extracted into a separate method with all
needed arguments and the return value worked out for you is very
helpful. All you have to do is give the new method a name. And this
sort of thing can certainly improve readability.

> 2. I've never been lucky enough to have enough resource for those IDE.

Eclipse is indeed a memory hog of the first order.

> 3. Python solve my problem.

Mine too - but I'm not free to choose.

Simon B,

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