On 03/11/2013 09:23 PM, Kene Meniru wrote:
Dave Angel wrote:

On 03/11/2013 07:57 PM, Kene Meniru wrote:

I hope you're just kidding.  execfile() and exec() are two of the most
dangerous mechanisms around.  import or __import__() would be much
better, as long as your user hasn't already run myapp.py as his script.

It does what I want. Security is another issue and I understand but can't
help it until I find another solution.

import does not do what I want.

How does __import__() work and what do you mean "as long as your user hasn't
already run myapp.py as his script."?

The __import__() function is defined

appname = "myapp"
usermodule = __import__(appname, globals(), locals(), [], -1)

And now you can use usermodule as though you had imported it in the usual way.

As for my other caveat, I've said it before in this thread. Make sure you don't ever load a module by more than one name, or you'll end up with a mess. And that includes the original script, which is loaded by the name '__main__'

You also should avoid any circular import, as it can be very tricky to deal with them.

As I said earlier in the thread:

>>>> For example the __import__() function can import a module that you
>>>> don't know the name of ahead of time.  It's not often the right
>>>> answer, though, so I hesitate to suggest it.
>>>> For another example, if you import a module by two different names,
>>>> or if you import the "module" that is your starting script, then
>>>> you can end up with two instances of such a module, with all sorts
>>>> of negative implications about global data or class attributes
>>>> stored in that module, or even more subtle problems.
>>>> For a final example, having a circular import tree can cause
>>>> problems if any of those imports have any global code (like class
>>>> initialization, defining constants, etc.).  It's generally much
>>>> better to define a strict hierarchy of who imports whom.


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