On Saturday, March 9, 2013 11:21:20 AM UTC-6, Kene Meniru wrote:

> Please see my last response to Dave Angel. I think it is
> possible for a program to watch a file. I am not
> interested in menus which is why I am going this route. I
> could easily use PyQt to make this but I am not interested
> in graphical user interfaces. 

Yes, using a non-GUI interface is always much simpler to code than a GUI. I can 
see the merit in that approach.

> It is possible to watch files for changes without user
> intervention. If a change is detected (whether by file
> size or time)

Indeed, but the file data on disc and the file data in the text editor cannot 
be guaranteed to be exact representations of each other at any random sample of 
> the file can be executed as all python
> modules can be using "python FILENAME.py". 

I understand that Python files can be executed (as we all do). 

> How is this folly?

Well i don't have enough information *yet* to decide if your program design is 
"folly", but i can assure you that your explanations of how this program will 
function are. My problem with your workflow is that it ignores the need to 
constantly save the edited file data back to disc, because i "assume" you are 
using a text editor to edit the ".py" files. Sure, you could create a behavior 
of the editor to save the changes after every keystroke, or every newline, or 
whatever; but you failed to mentioned how any of this will work.

> My code is available at
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/buildes. The documentation
> is at http://buildes.sourceforge.net/.

Well GEE-GOLLY-GARSH, thanks for finally posting something we can draw 
coherency from. May i suggest that next time you post the links in the very 
first post? I mean, i like playing "guess the number" as much as the next guy, 
but geez!


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