On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 08:37:00AM -0700, rocky wrote:
> And again, I get the impression that for the use case asked about, there 
> isn't much ambiguity. If I am in mypackage.foo and I want to access 
> mypackage.collections I should be able to say something like that without 
> ambiguity or that much inference or directory searching. If 
> mypackage.colletions is not found inside the same directory as mypackage.foo, 
> often I DON'T WANT Python to helpfully go searching around other places for 
> it which sys.path will do. Instead what I probably want is Python to give me 
> an error. 
> So again I come to import_relative, 
> http://code.google.com/p/pyimport-relative/.  And again, I wish this package 
> didn't have to exist.

What's wrong with PEP 328 relative imports?

In mypackage.foo, use

    from . import collections

to import mypackage.collections.

This has been part of the language since ~2.5


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