Τη Σάββατο, 13 Απριλίου 2013 1:28:07 μ.μ. UTC+3, ο χρήστης Cameron Simpson 
> On 12Apr2013 21:50, nagia.rets...@gmail.com <nagia.rets...@gmail.com> wrote:
> | Ookey after that is corrected, i then tried the plain solution and i got 
> this response back form the shell:
> | 
> | Traceback (most recent call last):
> |   File "metrites.py", line 213, in &lt;module&gt;
> |     htmldata = f.read()
> |   File "/root/.local/lib/python2.7/lib/python3.3/encodings/iso8859_7.py", 
> line 23, in decode
> |     return codecs.charmap_decode(input,self.errors,decoding_table)[0]
> | UnicodeDecodeError: 'charmap' codec can't decode byte 0xae in position 47: 
> character maps to &lt;undefined&gt;
> | 
> | then i switched to:
> | 
> |             with open('/home/nikos/www/' + page, encoding='utf-8') as f:
> |                     htmldata = f.read()
> | 
> | and i got no error at all, just pure run *from the shell*!
> Ok, so you need to specify utf-8 to decode the file. Good.
> | But i get internal server error when i try to run the webpage from the 
> browser(Chrome).
> That is standard for a CGI script that does not complete successfully.
> | So, can you tell me please where can i find the apache error log so to 
> display here please?
> That depends on the install. Have a look in /var/log/apache or similar.
> Otherwise you need to find the httpd.conf for the apache and look
> for its log coniguration settings.
> | Apcher error_log is always better than running 'python3 metrites.py' 
> because even if the python script has no error apache will also display more 
> web related things?
> The error log is where error messages from CGI scripts go. And other error 
> messages.
> It is very useful when testing CGI scripts.
> Of course, it's best to work out as much as possible from the command
> line first; you have much more direct control and access to errors
> there. That only gets you so far though; the environment the CGI
> script runs in is not the same as your command line, and some
> different behaviour can come from this.
> BTW, are you sure python3 is running your CGI script?
> Also, the CGI script may not be running as you, but as the apache user.
> In that case, it may fail if it does not has permission to access various
> files owned by you.
> Anyway, you need to see the error messages to work this out.
> If you can't find the error log you can divert stderr at the
> start of your python program:
>   sys.stderr = open('/home/nikos/cgi.err.out', 'a')
> and watch that in a shell:
>   tail -f cgi.err.out
> Cheers,
> -- 
> Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au>
> If you 'aint falling off, you ar'nt going hard enough.  - Fred Gassit

root@macgyver [/home/nikos/public_html/cgi-bin]# ls ../cgi.err.out 
root@macgyver [/home/nikos/public_html/cgi-bin]# cat ../cgi.err.out 
root@macgyver [/home/nikos/public_html/cgi-bin]# 

Also i have foudn the error log and i tried to view it but it was empty and 
then i removed it and then run the script both from shell and broswer but it 
didnt reappeared.

root@macgyver [/home/nikos/public_html/cgi-bin]# cat /var/log/httpd/error_log
cat: /var/log/httpd/error_log: No such file or directory
root@macgyver [/home/nikos/public_html/cgi-bin]# 

Maybe its somehtign wron with my enviroment?
Should we check the Apache and CGI enviroment somehow and also make sure as you 
say that *I* run the CGI scripts and not user 'Apache' ?

Tell me what commands i should issues please and i will display the output to 

Thank you Cameron, for helpimg me. Somehow the script doesnt seem to be the 
issue in  my VPS.

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