On Sun, Apr 14, 2013 at 5:34 AM, someone <newsbo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I think maybe I'll experiment a bit with both mySql (small/medium sized
> databases) and for critical/important stuff I should go with PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL isn't majorly slower than MySQL, and it's a lot more
trustworthy in terms of database constraints and so on. MySQL is
designed as a place for a single application to store its data, and it
assumes that the application is king; PostgreSQL is designed as a
database against which application(s) may execute queries, therefore
it assumes that the database administrator is king.

With heavy read/write workloads, I'd put my money on PostgreSQL every
time; MySQL has a much greater problem with wide locks (eg
table-level) and consequent loss of concurrency.


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