On Apr 13, 9:15 pm, Chris Angelico <ros...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 14, 2013 at 12:39 AM, someone <newsbo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > On 04/13/2013 04:03 PM, Chris Angelico wrote:
> >> Failure at any level means the overall system is not ACID compliant.
> > Roger... But google says sqlite is supposed to be ACID compliant (although
> > maybe not "fully" as you indicate, I'm not sure about this)...
> What your Google hits are telling you is that sqlite can (if
> configured correctly) pass level 2. But it doesn't guarantee anything
> about the other levels, so it's easy to have an, uhh, ACID leak.
> >> You'd have to actually test it. The easiest way is to get two
> >> computers, side by side, and run the database engine on one and a
> >> monitor on the other.
> > Ok, that doesn't sound to be so simple after all...
> I gave a fairly wordy run-down of what I tested, but it's actually
> fairly simple in concept: Do a huge bunch of transactions, and keep a
> log of what's returned from the COMMIT query; then pull the power out.
> > Ok, it would be nice to hear/read the opinion from another in here who've
> > been working (a lot?) with sqlite...
> Agreed. I'm sure someone will chime in.
> > I'm not so rich, so I prefer to go for a free database solution rather than
> > an expensive license... I've heard good things about oracle and that's also
> > what they used at my previous company, but it's not something I am willing
> > to pay for, from my private/own money for my sparetime-projects...
> I concur with Walter's assessment: You want PostgreSQL. It's free/open
> source software (highly permissive MIT-like license), massively
> trusted, and scales up beautifully. (That last one may not be
> significant to you, but it's still good to know your database can
> handle hundreds or thousands of tps on basic hardware.)
> ChrisA

Dunno why you guys are ACIDing a hapless python+SQL noob.
As far as I can see he did not even know what ACID was... Just
happened to start with mysql (without evidently knowing the DBMS area)
and Cousin Stanley's recommendation to step a notch down from mysql to
sqlite seems to me to be spot-on for his requirement.

To the OP:
Steven is welcome to his views about use of databases.  Good to
remember that everyone does not agree with him. This includes the
firefox devs as well as python devs.

In particular, sqlite in python is quite special.  All the other
databases have bridge modules to talk from python to the database.
Which means that python runs and the database runs and the two talk
asynchronously across the bridge using what is called a 'client-server
model'. Now client-server is powerful and sophisticated and earlier it
was the only option. That is the noob database programmer had to
grapple with sql (the basic stuff) along with the transaction/ACID
advanced stuff.

Sqlite changed the rules of the game. Sqlite allows programmers to
play with sql without having to deal with client server headaches at
the same time.
Python amplified that change by bundling it with python.

In short Python+Sqlite is a boon for beginners to programming+DBMS

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