On Mon, Apr 15, 2013 at 9:45 PM, rusi <rustompm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am trying to understand your points Chris. On the one hand you say:
> On Apr 14, 6:22 pm, Chris Angelico <ros...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> No, no, a thousand times no! If I am doing financial transactions,
>> even if I'm alone on my machine, I will demand full ACID compliance.
> On the other you describe a bookmark storage scheme (which it seems
> you are recommending); to wit
> ...
> So are you saying that if one switches from the non-ACID compliant
> sqlite to your simple-text data-format, the new 'database' (note the
> quote marks) will now become ACID compliant?

Unlikely. It theoretically could be made ACID compliant (all it needs
is an OS-guaranteed atomic move/rename operation), but my point is
that some things don't _need_ full-on databases. Financial work *does*
(if I'm accepting money from people, I'd better make pretty sure I
know who's paid me and how much); bookmarks usually don't. Also,
bookmarks are the exclusive property of the person who creates them,
so it's helpful to store them in a way that can be edited; with money
movements, you often want some kind of indelibility guarantee, too
(you can't go back and edit a previous transaction, you have to put in
a correcting transaction). Different tasks demand different storage


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