On Thu, May 2, 2013 at 1:11 AM, Paul Rudin <paul.nos...@rudin.co.uk> wrote:
> "Jennifer Butler" <j.but...@albynschool.co.uk> writes:
>> Hiya
>> I have trawled around your various pages and haven’t found what I
>> want.
>> I will start teaching Python to my pupils shortly. I have been looking
>> for materials and have gathered a collection of programs. The problem
>> is they are written in v2 and I have v3 installed in my classroom. I
>> read about the 2to3 conversion program, but I can’t get it to work.
>> Could you possibly give me a Noddy’s guide to do this?
> Perhaps the first thing you should teach your students is how to ask
> questions :)

Specifically, you and your students would do well spending a couple of
sessions here:


2to3 has fairly good --help information. In my porting projects, I
started there and worked forward. Seemed to go fairly well.


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