In <> 

> title = "Guess my number game:"
> print title.title()
> raw_input("Press any key to continue..")

> import random

> tries = 0
> number = random.randrange(99) + 1
> guess = int(raw_input("Guess my number! Secret - It is between 1 and 100 :")

> while (guess != number):
> if (guess > number):
>     number = int(raw_input("Sorry, my number is lower than that! \n Try 
> again:")
>    tries += 1
> else if (guess < number):
>     number = int(raw_input("Sorry, my number is higher than that! \n Try 
> again:")
>     tries += 1
> print "Congratulations, you guessed my number! \n And it only took you" tries 
> "tries!"

> raw_input("\n\n Press any key to exit..")

> ## what is wrong with this script? I'm just trying to understand while loops 
> and ## this is not a real project :P

You're missing a second closing parentheses on the line where the user
inputs their guess.

Also, you need to indent the 'if' statement underneath the while loop.

John Gordon                   A is for Amy, who fell down the stairs              B is for Basil, assaulted by bears
                                -- Edward Gorey, "The Gashlycrumb Tinies"


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