I've got it working! I'm really enjoying python :) But now i'd like to make it 
break out of the while loop when the user guesses more than 5 numbers and 

title = "Guess my number game:" 
print title.title() 
raw_input("Press any key to continue..") 

import random 

number = random.randrange(99) + 1 
tries = 0 
guess = int(raw_input("Guess my number! Secret - It is between 1 and 100 :")) 

while (guess != number): 
    if (guess > number): 
        guess = int(raw_input("Sorry, my number is lower than that! \n Try 
        tries += 1 
    if (guess < number): 
        guess = int(raw_input("Sorry, my number is higher than that! \n Try 
        tries += 1
    if (tries > 5):
        print "Sorry, you lost!"
    print "\nCongratulations! You guessed my number in", tries, "tries"

raw_input("\n\n Press any key to exit..") 

## this results in the congratulations printing after the second/third guess 
and ## continuing

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