I apologize once again. 
Is my first post here and i'm getting used to the group as long as i get the 
feedback of my errors by you guys.
I'm using Python 2.7.3 with no dependencies, i'm simply using the standard
Here is the "big picture" of the scenario(i have added it in the pastebin link 

aging  |total         |age
aging  |0             |100
aging  |2             |115
aging  |3             |1
aging  |4             |10

highway       | lanes         |       state   |       limit(mph)
highway       |       4       |       disable |       25
highway       |       2       |       disable |       245
highway       |       3       |       disable |       125
highway       |       2       |       enable  |       255
highway       |       3       |       disable |       212
highway       |       8       |       disable |       78

aging 0 100
aging 2 115
aging 3 1
highway 4 disable 25
highway 2 disable 245
highway 0 enable 125

Meanwhile i have change the code a little bit and achieve a output closer to 
what i want:
highway_dict = {}
aging_dict = {}
queue_row = []
for content in file_content: 
        if 'aging' in content:
                # aging 0 100
                columns = ', '.join(map(str, 
                total_values =''.join(map(str, content[1:2]))
                aging_values = '\t'.join(map(str, content[2:]))
                aging_dict['total'], aging_dict[columns] = total, aging_values
                queue_counters[columns] = aging_dict
        if 'highway' in content:
                #highway        |       4       |       disable |       25
                columns = ''.join(map(str, 
                lanes_values  =''.join(map(str, content[1:2]))         
                state_values = ''.join(map(str, content[2:3])).strip('')
                limit_values = ''.join(map(str, content[3:4])).strip('')
                highway_dict['lanes'], highway_dict['state'], 
highway_dict['limit(mph)'] = lanes, state, limit_values
                queue_counters[columns] = highway_dict

Now i'm adding the different dicts to a "main" one (queue_counters). The 
problem here is that i'm keeping falling on the iteration issue. I only get the 
last row on my ouput. My last printout was:

queue_counters:  {'aging': {'age': '10', 'total': '4'}, 'highway': {'lanes': 
'8','state': 'disable', 'limit': '78'}} 

@Dave Angel  

"The sample, or the description, should indicate if repeats of the 
"columns" column are allowed, as with b and B above. "
- Yes the columns repetition are allowed.

"That line tries to get clever, and ends up obscuring what's really 
happening.  Further, the value in total, if any is NOT what you just 
extracted in total_values."
- this variable name total_values means that i'm storing the content (different 
values)of the total column, and the same applies to the other columns (might
not be the best names, but don't forget that we are just prototyping here). The 
total, age, etc etc variable name i had to set them, once they don't come with 
the original file, but is important to give them names to help on RDBMs 
purposes later, and not only that, it's handy right?

The column variable refers to the object name (aging and highway). I'm doing 
that because in the original source i have to deal with string formatting of 
strange names. Remember that this is for prototyping, that's why i'm trying to 
resume things here.

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