On 2013-05-08, Denis McMahon <denismfmcma...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, 08 May 2013 16:20:48 -0400, Roy Smith wrote:
>> FooEntry is a class.  How would you describe a list of these in a
>> docstring?
>> "A list of FooEntries"
>> "A list of FooEntrys"
>> "A list of FooEntry's"
>> "A list of FooEntry instances"
>> The first one certainly sounds the best, but it seems wierd to change
>> the spelling of the class name to make it plural.
> I wouldn't use an apostrophe for pluralisation.

If there's no chance for confusion between a class named FooEntry
and another named FooEntries, then the first attempt seems best.
Pluralize a class name by following the usual rules, e.g.,
"strings" and "ints".

Neil Cerutti

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