On Thu, May 30, 2013 at 8:24 AM, Dan Stromberg <drsali...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm finding it kind of hard to imagine not finding Python's syntax and
> semantics pretty graceful.
> About the only thing I don't like is:
>    var = 1,
> That binds var to a tuple (singleton) value, instead of 1.
> Oh, and method decorators seem much more complex than they should've been.

Yes, you touched something. IMHO, Python has far more built-in
features so it looks at least complicated from time to time.

For example, some people use "generating 9x9 multiplication table" as
an programming exercise.

What interest me is a one liner:
print '\n'.join(['\t'.join(['%d*%d=%d' % (j,i,i*j) for i in
range(1,10)]) for j in range(1,10)])

I don't like code like this. But Python at least allow such practise.

> But on the whole, python is a pretty beautiful language.  It's not just
> another rehash of Pascal though; if that's what you want you might be better
> off looking elsewhere.

That's a fair point.

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