You could make a fantastic turtle based game with pyturtle!

On Fri, Jun 7, 2013 at 1:53 PM, Eam onn <> wrote:

> On Friday, June 7, 2013 4:53:03 PM UTC+1, Eam onn wrote:
> > I was planning on making a small 2D game in Python. Are there any
> libraries for this? I know of:
> >
> >
> >
> > • Pygame - As far as I know it's dead and has been for almost a year
> >
> > • PyOgre - Linux and Windows only(I do have those, but I want
> multi-platform)
> >
> > • Cocos2D - Won't install and cant find any support
> >
> > • PyCap - Can't find any documentation
> >
> > • Panda3D - Dead since 2011 + overkill for what I need
> >
> > • PyOpenGL - Overkill
> >
> >
> >
> > Any help on what to do with this would be appreciated. I am making games
> mainly in Lua but I'd like to make one in Python for fun. I also understand
> that Python isn't exactly the *BEST* choice programming a game, but I have
> heard it is possible. Tell me if it's true. Thanks!
> Pygame isn't too good. You still need a lot of other libraries from what I
> understand(like for physics). Is there any alternative for 2D?
> --

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