Op 14-06-13 14:36, Nick the Gr33k schreef:

> On 14/6/2013 2:09 μμ, Antoon Pardon wrote:
>> Op 14-06-13 11:32, Nick the Gr33k schreef:
>>> I'mm not trolling man, i just have hard time understanding why numbers
>>> acts as strings.
>> They don't. No body claimed numbers acted like strings. What was explained,
>> was that when numbers are displayed, they are converted into a notational
>> string, which is then displayed. This to clear you of your confusion between
>> numerals and numbers which you displayed by writing something like "the
>> binary representation as a number"
> Hold on.
> number = an abstract sense
> numeral = ?
> notation = ?
> represenation = ?
I already explained these in previous responses. I am not going to repeat
myself. IMO you are out of place here. You belong in a tutor class about
basical computing concepts. There you can aquire the knowledge that is
more or less expected of those who want to contribute here. I don't mind
the occasional gap in knowledge but with you it seems more there is an
occasional grain of knowledge in a sea of ignorance. To remedy the former
a single explanation is mostly sufficient. To remedy the latter you need
a tutorial course.

Now there is nothing wrong in being ignorant. The question is how do you
proceed from there. The answer is not by starting a project that is far
above your ability and pestering the experts in the hope they will spoon
feed you.


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