On Tue, Jun 25, 2013 at 2:00 PM, <ru...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> On 06/23/2013 07:44 PM, Νίκος wrote:> Why use mako's approach which
> requires 2 files(an html template and the
> > actual python script rendering the data) when i can have simple print
> > statements inside 1 files(my files.py script) ?
> > After all its only one html table i wish to display.
> Good question.  Sometimes your way is best.
> The main advantage of using templates is that the template contains
> only html (mostly) and the cgi code contains only python (mostly).
> The idea is that you can look at the template and see only the
> kind of code (html) that affects how the page looks.  With some
> template systems you can edit the template files with a html
> editor and do the page design visually.  Even in a text editor
> it is usually easier to see the how the html "works" without
> spurious stuff like code.
> And when you look at the cgi code, you see only the Python code
> that is needed to get the variable data that is displayed in the
> page without the distraction of a lot of html stuff.
> --
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

I haven't tried webpy but I have used django.  django has a tutorial that
takes a couple of hours to set up and go through completely.  Its not just
reading, its hands on trying out a small website.  It gives a very good
understanding of what the framework offers, and how difficult (or easy!) it
is to use.  If webpy has a similar tutorial, I would start there, or try
django.  After the tutorial, the discussion becomes a lot more concrete and
less theoretical as to whether that platform would be helpful

Joel Goldstick

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