On Friday, June 28, 2013 3:45:27 PM UTC+5:30, Νίκος wrote:
> Στις 28/6/2013 12:35 μμ, ο/η Robert Kern έγραψε:
> I see, your explanation started to make things clearer to me.
> What is the easiest and simplest web framework you advise me to use?

Here's a picture of the web-development scene as I see it:

At one extreme there are mega-frameworks like django.
At the other one can write everything as you have been trying.

Both these can be unsatisfactory (as you are discovering!)

In between is a line which follows from Robert Kern's suggestions.

So my advise is to understand and follow these suggestions.  IOW take each of 
the items mentioned here (starting templating):

> > A web framework is a library that provides tools and a way of
> > structuring your that makes it easier to write a web application. Web
> > frameworks typically include a templating engine or provide support for
> > working with external templating engines. In addition, web frameworks
> > provide many other services, like routing URLs to specific parts of your
> > code, managing pools of database connections, handling web sessions,
> > validating form data, and connecting your code to many different ways of
> > deploying web applications without having to rewrite your code.

1. Now run a web-search for that.
2. See if it looks of any use to you
3. Check the available libraries
4. Install and try out* something that looks simple
5. When stuck -- either concepts or details -- come back here and ask

* Not on a live server!!

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