On 2013.06.25 17:19, willlewis...@gmail.com wrote:
> na=('type first integer n\')##THE RED SHADOW APPEARS HERE##
Here you escape the closing single quote. \n is a line feed, not n\. Also, the 
parentheses are unnecessary, and it looks like you are a
assigning a tuple instead of a string.
Syntax errors are often the result of typos; IDEs can easily detect such 
problems and will highlight them for you to make them obvious.
>     int(naa)
Strings are immutable; this returns an integer, but you don't assign it to 
> is_triangle(na,ne,ni)
And here, you pass the strings you assigned for the input prompt instead of the 
integers you wanted to get.

BTW, if you have an error, it helps if you copy/paste the full traceback. Many 
times, the exact issue is laid out in the traceback, and the
solution is obvious to those with experience.
CPython 3.3.2 | Windows NT 6.2.9200 / FreeBSD 9.1

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