On Fri, Jul 5, 2013 at 4:52 AM, Ferrous Cranus <ni...@superhost.gr> wrote:
> Στις 4/7/2013 9:40 μμ, ο/η Grant Edwards έγραψε:
>> On 2013-07-04, ?????????? <ni...@superhost.gr> wrote:
>>> If you guys want to use it i can send you a patch for it. I know its
>>> illegal thing to say but it will help you use it without buying it.
>> A new low.  Now he's offering to help people steal others' work.
> Like you never downloaded serials/keygens/patch/cracks for warez and
> torrents websites.
> What a hypocritism.....my intensions was to help the OP.

Even if some of us *have* violated license agreements (which you
shouldn't assume is the case - most of us here are happily using free
software), it's still something that you shouldn't advocate in public.
Would you walk into a crowded room and start hawking a Kryptonite gun
("guaranteed to kill Superman, then you can go rob all the banks you
like") regardless of who's listening? No, you sell it quietly on the
black market. You certainly don't say "Hey, you guys have robbed banks
before... haven't you?", because that's certainly not going to be true
of everyone, and even if it is, it doesn't change what you've just


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