My general attitude towards IDEs and editors has been extremely conservative, but today I decided to see what this "folding" business was all about.
I see that vim (and gvim, which is what I actually use) has this feature, and it is fairly nice, but at present it's very manual --- and frankly it's hard for me to see the point if I have to manually mark folds every time I start up. I tried to load a couple of different scripts to automatically fold Python code in vim, but none of them seems to do a good job. The obvious thing (to me) would be for functions and classes to be folded at the top level, with each method folded inside the class folds. But I can't seem to figure out how to make that happen (other than manually, I mean). Actually, I usually want to fold the comment block at the top with the license disclaimer and module documentation, too, but I can do that manually. I've tried: python_fold.vim by Jorrit Wiersma and AutoFold.vim by Dave Vehrs Does anybody have a better suggestion (or perhaps can tell me how to make one of these do what I'm wanting)? I'm assuming that I can set these by using the Tools -> Folding -> Fold Method -> Syntax (or Expression for python_fold) but it doesn't seem to work. python_fold seems to just collapse methods (but not the whole classes they are in), and I can't seem to make AutoFold do anything at all, so I must be using it wrong. -- Terry Hancock ( hancock at ) Anansi Spaceworks --