On Thu, Jul 18, 2013 at 5:29 PM, Aseem Bansal <asmbans...@gmail.com> wrote:
> @ChrisA
> Thanks. That's great. That solved the whole thing easily. I'll install Python 
> 3 and start updating today.
> About reading comp.lang.python can you suggest how to read it and reply? I 
> have never read a newsgroup leave alone participated in one. I am used to 
> forums like stackoverflow. Any way to read it and reply by one interface? If 
> not, give any suggestion. I'll use that.

Easiest, if you're not familiar with newsgroups, is to subscribe to
the mailing list.

Subscribe here:


Then you get an email every time anyone posts. Threading should be
handled by any decent mail client, and you just hit Reply-List (or
Reply and change the address to python-list@python.org) to post a

It's a good system. Works for myriad lists. The software that runs
this one (Mailman) is even written in Python, so you're using Python
to discuss Python :)


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