On 07/21/2013 01:50 AM, Chris Angelico wrote:
On Sun, Jul 21, 2013 at 3:39 PM, David Hutto <dwightdhu...@gmail.com> wrote:
With linux you can have your package listed in synaptic, and can use with a
sudo apt-get install whatever ogg player like ogg123, and windows I don't
work with that much, but I'm pretty sure I've played .wav files from the
command line before while working with cross platform just for practice, so
with python 3 you can use what's available in the system with an if command.
Correction: "With Debian-based Linux distributions, you can etc etc" -
aptitude is Debian's package manager, it's not something you'll find
on other Linuxes. And the exact packages available depend on your
repositories; again, most Debian-derived Linux distros will most
likely have ogg123, but it's not guaranteed. However, it's reasonably
likely that other package managers and repositories will have what
you're looking for.
Good point, Chris. I do not want to make coding specifically for each
package manager for many of the different distros. I follow the KISS
princlple (Keep It Simple Stupid) when programming. Making a
cross-platform/universal way to play an ogg file is better than being
specific for each individual system.
Remember KISS.