Chris Angelico wrote:
Is the program actually producing output progressively? I just tried
your exact code with "dir /ad /s /b" and it worked fine, producing
output while the dir was still spinning (obviously setting shell=True
to make that work, but I don't think that'll make a difference). It
may be that pip buffers its output. Is there a parameter to pip to
make it pipe-compatible?


If I run pip in the command window I can see it's output appearing line by line rather than on one block.

I tried the code with the dir command but it's too fast for me to be sure if it's working or not.

I tried again using the command "ping" instead since I know that output's slowly and it something that everyone should have. In the command window I can see that the output appears over time, but from python I get nothing for a while and then suddenly get all the output in one rapid go.

Can you think of anything else I can look at?

Ian Simcock.

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