Chris Angelico wrote:
On Fri, Aug 23, 2013 at 1:26 AM, Ian Simcock
<> wrote:
Chris Angelico wrote:

A lot of programs, when their output is not going to the console, will
buffer output. It's more efficient for many purposes. With Unix
utilities, there's often a parameter like --pipe or --unbuffered that
says "please produce output line by line", but Windows ping doesn't
have that - and so I'm seeing the same thing you are.

You should be able to see the time delay in dir by looking for some
particular directory name, and searching from the root directory.
Unless you're on a BLAZINGLY fast drive, that'll take Windows a good


I tried it again with the dir command and, while my drive is pretty fast, it does look like it works.

I've done come looking around and found that the standard C libraries apparently automatically buffer output when the output is being redirected to a file handle unless specifically told not to.

I did a further test and created a unique file name in the root of my D drive and then use dir to search the entire drive for that name. In the command window the name appears instantly and then after a slight pause the command prompt reappears. When run from python however the pause comes first and then the name appears and then the command prompt returns.

So yep, seems like I'm screwed :-)

Thanks for your help with this. At least now I know it's not that I'm doing something wrong.

Ian Simcock.


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